The power of sound to make microfluidics active.
We integrate surface acoustic wave technologies with microfluidics.
Wir sind die SAW-Experten, haben jahrelange Erfahrung beim Design und bei der Herstellung von akustofluidischen Chips und Systemen, haben alle Fehler schon mal gemacht und wissen daher, wie es geht. Unsere patentierte lithografische Fertigungstechnologie erlaubt die Integration von SAW-Wandlern und beliebig geformten Mikrokanälen auf Waferlevel.
Acoustofluidic chip and wafer manufacturing
Bildergalerie mit Bildunterschriften: schönes Bild von komplettem Wafer, Detailsausschnitte mit IDTs, Kanalstrukturen, FIB-REM Aufnahme von Kanal Querschnitt
Angebote/Chipvarianten: Chips für Partikelsortierung, Chips für Aerosolerzeugung
IDT-Fertigung: Herstellungstechnologien, Geräte, Materialien (vgl. Flyer für Acoustofluidics Conf.)
IDT Layouts, Strukturgrößen und Funktionen
Kanalfertigung: Technologien, Geräte, Materialien, Kanallayouts, Strukturgrößen
Joint R&D projects and chip/wafer production as a service
Customized chip/wafer layout design
Rapid prototyping via laser lithography (≥ 2 µm resolution) andelectron-beam lithography (≥ 0.2 µm)
Evaporation of various metals, high-quality SiO2 sputtering, reactive ion etching, analytics
Microchannel fabrication via epoxy lithography (DFR) or PDMS molding
Microfluidic channel prototyping
Bildergalerie: Bild des 80 cm langen Kanals mit Beschreibung, Bilder von verschiedenen Strukturen- und größen (z.B. Zellmechanik)
Kanal- und Substratmaterialien, Kanalbreiten, Kanalhöhen,
PDMS master wafer manufacturing
Bildergalerie: Bilder des Wafers mit verschiedenen Teststrukturen, Bilder von verschiedenen Strukturen- und größen
Struktur- und Substratmaterialien, Strukturbreiten und -höhen,
Publications & Patents
Surface acoustic wave nebulization improves compound selectivity of low‑temperature plasma ionization for mass spectrometry, Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:2948 |
Blood platelet enrichment in mass-producible surface acoustic wave (SAW) driven microfluidic chips, Lab Chip, 2019, 19, 4043–4051
Droplet Generation in Standing-Surface-Acoustic-Wave Nebulization at Controlled Air Humidity, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014071
Compact SAW aerosol generator, Biomedical Microdevices volume 19, Article number: 9 (2017)
SAW-based fluid atomization using mass-producible chip devices, Lab Chip 15, 3793-3799 (2015)
Partners and Suppliers
We are closly working together with several suppliers for microfluidic equipment and components
Scientific Cooperations
We are closly working together with several suppliers for microfluidic equipment and components
We are closly working together with several suppliers for microfluidic equipment and components
Cell and Particle Sorting
We bring microfluidics to action. Just some more thext to see how fonts look like in writing. Avenir Light
Cell and Particle Sorting
We bring microfluidics to action. Just some more thext to see how fonts look like in writing. Brandon
Cell and Particle Sorting
We bring microfluidics to action. Just some more thext to see how fonts look like in writing. Futura Light
We bring microfluidics to action. Avenir
We bring microfluidics to action. Barlow
We bring microfluidics to action. Brandon
We bring microfluidics to action. DIN Next
We bring microfluidics to action. Futura
We bring microfluidics to action. Lato
We bring microfluidics to action. Marzo
Microscale Aerosol Generation
We bring microfluidics to action. Just some more thext to see how fonts look like in writing. Barlow Light
Microscale Aerosol Generation
We bring microfluidics to action. Just some more thext to see how fonts look like in writing. DIN Next
Microscale Aerosol Generation
We bring microfluidics to action. Just some more thext to see how fonts look like in writing. Lato
We innovate microfluidics / innovating microfluidics
We activate microfluidics / activating microfluidics
We enhance microfluidics
We bring microfluidics to a new dimension / bringing microfluidics to a new dimension
We add a new dimension to microfluidics / adding a new dimension to microfluidics
Microfluidics becomes active
We bring microfluidics to action. Lulo
We Bring Microfluidics To Action. KODCHASAN
We Bring Microfluidics To Action. Kanit